One day she might want to come here and stay awhile. Even people on the fringes of society needed a place to call home. People like her. | ||
–Bethany Anne, [1] |
Originally a semi lawless planet that Baba Yaga claimed and Bethany Anne spent a lot of effort into developing it as a hidden base for her once she steps down as Empress and coverts the Empire to a Federation.
Continue at High Tortuga
New Devon[]
She decided that the planet needed to be hidden so they found a new planet that they renamed to Devon.
The new planet didn’t officially have a name, but some called it "Belv’th". [2]
Bethany Anne grinned and spread her arms wide. “Welcome to New Devon.” [3]
Originally a mercenary hideout until Baba Yaga took over and renamed the planet Devon as part of the plan to divert attention from High Tortuga. The planet is protected by its end of the Interdiction, a three-layer security system comprised of a long-range early-warning system, the BYPS network around the planet, and the QBBS Guardian. The planet has two major cities and one smaller city around the lake system. First City is the location of The Hexagon, the bazaar, and various communities of settlers.[4]
After Bethany Anne, Michael, Gabrelle, Tabitha and John, Eric, Darryl and Scott spent an evening cleaning out the Mercenaries and slavers, they returned to High Tortuga and sent others back to the planet to keep the worse criminals out of there. Sabine, Jacqueline, Mark, Ricole and Demon along with some Guardian Marines went to the new Devon.
The goal wasn’t to put in place a government system, but to let them rule themselves just the way they have been, but to ensure the worse criminals and abuses were deterred.
In Compelling Evidence
In Through The Fire And Flame
In All Is Fair In Blood And War
In Finish What You Started the various species come together to help protect their planet when the Ooken attempt to attack it. But the BYPS that was put in place along with the QBS Guardian and all of the other ships were able to fight them off.
People continued to volunteer to protect the planet so The Hexagon is converted to a martial training facility and classes.