Kurtherian Gambit Wiki


Basic Information[]

  • Main Series - main character
  • Vampiric daughter of Stephen
  • Vampiric granddaughter of Michael.
  • Team leader of the Queen's Bitches.
  • Married to Eric Escobar.
  • In the 1970s got a tattoo was right in the center of her tailbone area below her pant line. It was comprised of a flowery spelling of “Enter Here” in French and a heart that ended with an arrow at the bottom pointing down. [1]
  • Long time vampire friends reflect that Gabrielle has never knowingly allowed a human to be hurt.[2]


The Kurtherian Gambit[]

Love Lost[]

When Gabrielle was first turned (almost 600 years before series started) she nagged Stephen about the women he was going out with. Stephen was quite a playboy and eventually he bribed a Parisian to seduce her and get her to move away. She lived with her husband until he died 20 years later and when she returned to Stephen she was far more tolerate of his womanizing. However after dealing with Gabrielle he decided never to turn a woman again.[3]

Gabrielle is concerned Stephen may have been attacked after she finds Petre's home in shambles. She is surprised to find him youthful and energized to take up Bethany Anne's directive to clean up Europe. She is enlisted to become Stephen's spymaster and find out what has been happening in Europe. She also meets Ivan Romanov who is immediately attracted to her. [4]

Bite This[]

Gabrielle has her first round in the Pod-Doc. In addition to making her a sun-walker, it also adds an inch to her height and corrects other defects in her nanocytes. BA runs Gabrielle through intensive fights getting her to draw on her connection to the Etheric dimension and not just her vampire body capabilities.

Never Forsaken[]

Gabrielle admits she has had more than 40 lovers but reminds BA it was over a long time, although in the 1820s she was quite active.

When Peter announced he wanted to be the pack leader for the Queen's pack Gabrille had beaten him soundly multiple times to point where he had to eat 3 dinners to get enough energy back from healing.

Under My Heel[]

Darryl, Scott and Eric go to Gabrielle to smooth the way to get upgraded like John Grimes. They assure her it is not for ego, it is because they want to be the best they can be. Bethany Anne agrees and holds a ceremony where they, John and Gabrielle all drink her blood. TOM has modified the nanocytes to target the upgrades they want. Once the initial effects are apparent they will need to be put in the Pod-Doc for about a week to complete the changes.

We Will Build[]

Gabrielle takes Scott English and Darryl Jackson to Australia to get information from vampires Richard and Samuel to hunt down some Forsaken. She was acquainted with them from her wilder days centuries earlier. They don't respect the Bitches as they appear to just be humans so Samuel challenges Scott and gets soundly beaten.

With the information she gets from the Australian vampires she and the Bitches head to Japan to hunt down Kamiko Kana, the Forsaken leader of Asia. Kamiko hates Michael because at the end of WW II. When they arrive in Japan Kamiko Kana arranges an ambush for Scott and Darryl where Scott takes a few bullets bad enough that Gabriel is pissed and realizes that they are being complacent. and Kamiko's cadre of vampires fight them to almost a win when Kamiko shows she also can travel through the Etheric and gets away. The honor of the vampire guards left commit to either commit suicide or pledge allegiance to the victors.

She tracks down where Kamiko Kana has another fortress and with John and Eric’s help they once again attack. This time, unbeknownst to the Queen’s Guard, Bethany Anne is waiting in the Etheric for Kamiko Kana to run away and when she does, Bethany Anne throws her back out and rips the Etheric from her, so she can’t run away again.  Gabriele finds her and beheads her.

It's Hell to Choose[]

Kamiko's ex-guard's pledge allegiance to Gabrielle and she brings the back to pledge to Bethany Anne. Among the vampires is Akio.

We Have Contact[]

Eric's Latin upbringing gives him 2 challenges in asking Gabrielle for a date. First, in wanting to meet her as an equal, not as someone she needs to protect. Second, he feels obligated to ask Stephen to be allowed to take Gabrielle out. He has told his intentions to John Grimes in preparation of pushing his martial arts training with Bethany Anne. Eric actually does push her, impressing her with his effort and stamina and that he can actually drive her to sweating. In the end, she tells Eric he is ready to meet Stephen.

Eric arranges to meet Stephen in the workout room where Stephen scans him and understands what the meeting is for. Stephen reminds Eric that Gabrielle is his daughter by turning her, not her biological father. This doesn't deter Eric as Stephen and Gabrielle consider each other father and daughter. Stephen provides the permission as well as advise. Gabrielle is monogamist but given her long life it is serial monogamy. She is still a romantic even after all her years and partnerships.

Stephen does finally fight with Eric with Bethany Anne, John, Darryl and Scott watching via video. The fight ends after an hour when Stephen stops it and gives his permission and blessing to ask Gabrielle out.

Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknown World[]



Shortly after Gabrielle is turned she becomes involved with Henri. The more she goes into his world the more she realizes he has to die. He enjoys killing and has no guilt in forcing young women to seduce men to get information he can leverage. Since she admits to Stephen and he died in a French rebellion safehouse, presumably she set the fire. Stephen comforts her saying both he and Michael have had to make the same type of decisions, that she is the master of her own fate.

Etheric Adventures[]

Etheric Explorer[]

Bethany Anne asks Gabrielle to train Anne in the use of a sword. Gabrille starts with the katana but Anne decides she wants a broadsword. Jean Dukes commits to making a weapon and scabbard for Anne. The sword is made from the same material as her armor and is about 4' 4" long counting the 10" handle. The scabbard is designed to accomodate Anne's 5' 4" height. Jean warns Anne not to practice against traditional swords like the katanas as her sword will slice through them.


  1. Anderle, Michael. Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One: Books 1-7, Death Becomes Her, Queen Bitch, Love Lost, Bite This, Never Forsaken, Under My Heel, Kneel or Die (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets) (p. 774). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
  2. Anderle, Michael. Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set Two: Books 8-14, We Will Build, It's Hell To Choose, Release The Dogs of War, Sued For Peace, WE HAVE CONTACT, My Ride is a ... Line (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets Book 2) (p. 74). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition
  3. Anderle, Michael. Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One: Books 1-7, Death Becomes Her, Queen Bitch, Love Lost, Bite This, Never Forsaken, Under My Heel, Kneel or Die (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets) (p. 653). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition
  4. Anderle, Michael. Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One: Books 1-7, Death Becomes Her, Queen Bitch, Love Lost, Bite This, Never Forsaken, Under My Heel, Kneel or Die (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets) (p. 593). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
