Basic Info[]
- Main series - major character The Kurtherian Gambit
- Sub-series - main character The Bad Company
- Sub-series - minor character in a number of Expansion Age series acting as the "Charlie" to the various "Angel" groups like Shadow Vanguard who battle in areas where the Federation cannot be seen directly intervening.
- Had a son, Adam before the series started that died in Vietnam[1]
- Took almost all his dates to Joe's Pizza in NY at one time or another.[2]
- By the time of the Federation he has set up secret facilities to make and distribute Pepsi.[3]
Early biography[]
Nathan was CEO of a high-level internet security firm and with his hacking abilities, he had access not only to data on the internet, but also the dark net and the locations and conversations hackers kept to themselves. [4] His other businesses were all relatively tiny and inconspicuous. The rest of his business efforts were local, except restaurants here and there that he was a silent partner in and a few installations and blue-collar businesses his partners ran. He also ran a big real estate effort run through a couple of shell corporations that should hide his involvement,[5]
A historical note is there was a big crackdown on some hackers who had been trying to show the government that their security sucked. But instead of working with the group the government arrested them all. Then Canonical (Nathan) came along and threatened that if the government didn’t let them go, he would take some super serious and totally black documents he had and post them on the Internet. The Feds went apeshit, but no one could figure out what he had. He dropped fifteen file names and the first sentence from each one, and the ten hackers were released. Canonical said he wouldn’t release the documents if the government left the hackers alone. He also published an open statement that told the hackers if they attacked the government, he would rescind his protection. Four of them got caught for other crimes, and Canonical agreed with the government’s actions. The other six have stayed out of jail. [6]
In the Age of Expansion Nathan becomes the Empire's recruiter for mercenary forces to go where the Empire needs a show of force but cannot be directly involved. This includes The Bad Company, Valerie's Elites and the Shadow Vanguard, In Judge, Jury and Executioner he is one step removed, connecting to the Magistrates through the Federation leadership and the Bad Company's Direct Action Branch.
The Kurtherian Gambit[]
Death Becomes Her[]
Nathan Lowell was second under Gerry, who was both the Alpha of the New York Pack and the current head of the American Pack Council for the Weres. [7] Nathan was powerful and deadly enough to be the pack’s Alpha, but he wasn’t willing to suffer the politics and the constant interruptions of the other Alphas around the country. He was happy farther down in the pack, although he frankly didn’t enjoy being second, either. Sadly, other wolves kept challenging him, and the wolf characteristic he possessed in spades was the absolute inability to accept losing. [8] While short of a challenge, he also did not tolerate disrespect. An example is that he liked vegetables and a number of wolves found that odd enough to disrespect Nathan over it. He most often shoved vegetables down the disrespecter's mouth and held his target's nose until the vegetables were swallowed or the idiot suffocated.
Frank somewhat bribes Nathan into searching for Michael after Michael's plan has been missing for 6 months. Nathan's cyber defense team's clients has come under attacks more focused on Nathan's team than the clients. Frank promises 400 additional cyber threat analysts to install Nathan's Guardian software if Nathan will go to Romania and look for Michael.
Nathan meets Ecaterina and her brother Ivan Romanovi n her Romanian hometown near a mountainous area. She agrees to guide him into the mountains not knowing he is there hunting for Michael's successor. They are attacked by the Braov pack Alpha Algerian and 3 other weres on orders from Petre (Stephen's son) and she is knocked unconscious.
Her uncle Alexi Romanov is, unknown to her, a Were Bear and the area she is in is claimed by a wolf pack out of Brasov, but his mountain was off-limits.[9] Alexi smells werewolves on his mountain, near where his niece Ecaterina is. When he investigates he finds the pack has attacked Ecaterina and her client, Nathan Lowell, who he senses is Wechsalbalg. He is about to attack when Nathan changes and attacks the pack. Realizing Nathan is protecting Ecaterina, Alexi transform and also joins in the fight only to be shot with silver bullets.
Before the pack can take both of them out Bethany Anne arrives and takes out the remaining pack members except for the pack leader. After she has interrogated the leader she turns him over to Alexi, who has had the silver pulled out by Nathan, dispense justice.
Queen Bitch[]
Nathan is initially plays a very key role with easing Bethany Anne into her new role. He acts as liaison to both Gerry and Frank as well as accompanying on her initial rounds of introductions. At the Swiss bank he also begins to understand what she expects of whoever will follow her. Mainly to be loyal, keep out of her way when she is on a tear and help pick up the pieces when she is done.
Nathan and Ecaterina Romanov-Lowell try to be casual about their growing love but it is obvious to everyone else. Bethany Anne lets them know she thinks it is good for both of them.
Love Lost[]
Nathan and Ecaterina declare their love for each other.
Bite This[]
Nathan travels back with Peter to the American pack to recruit Weres for BA's team. Gerry has lined up 18 candidates, a number of them young troublemakers he would be glad to see gone. This is major step for the candidates. If they leave it means they have repudiated their pack and must fight to get back in a pack. It is part of the scriptures from Michael that all Weres must be in a pack. Eventually they have 6 candidates to take back and test.
Never Forsaken[]
Under My Heel[]
Nathan and Frank talk about the possibility of BA and Michael becoming a couple. Nathan is extremely concerned because he believes Micheal is the only being who could possibly restrain BA if she went off the rails. If they are a couple, Michael may be the trigger for her going off the rails.
Nathan is called in to set up the laptop that will allow Team BMW to talk directly to TOM. The laptop is to be elusively for that purpose and if the program fails they will need to call him to reinstall it.
Nathan and Ecaterina agree to go on Stephen's mission to Turkey. BA puts him in the Pod-doc so that he has the full potential of a Pricolici werewolf if needed.
Stephen leads to the effort to Turkey to take down the Forsaken. His team includes Nathan Lowell, Ecaterina Romanov-Lowell, Peter Silvers. Todd Jenkins, Matthew Tseng, Joel. Joseph Greggs, Tim 'Rocky" Kinley, Kevin Russel, Paul Stephens. Chet Nichols and Rickie Escobar. He finds one soldier, Arthur Detongass, and a group of civilians holding out in a cave. Stephen and the team move their supplies into the cave. As they are about to move the civilians to Shelly, the chopper is destroyed by an RPG. Stephen races outside the jamming area to let BA know what has happened and then goes back for the defense. The first wave has 30 Nosferatu that are quickly taken down. In the second wave Paul is killed and Ecaterina is severely injured. Nathan goes berserk and tears through the wave killing as many of them as he can. After the battle Stephen calls him back. Stephen cannot give her more blood or she will turn to a vampire. He believes she wouldn't want that but would take being a Wechselbalg. Nathan bleeds into her wounds and changes her.
It's Hell to Choose[]
Nathan continues to grow the force that will leave Earth with Bethany Anne. When he visits Gerry with Ecaterina Romanov-Lowell and discusses getting more recruits from the Wechselbalg, There are already 200 in the pipeline and they need more.
Shadow Vanguard[]
Gravity Storm[]
Nathan wants to recruit Jack Marber and the crew of ICS Fortitude. He tests them by having them deliver a shipment of servers to Federation Base Station 11. He tips off Skaine pirates to see how the crew will react under attack, and they do kill the pirates and keep the shipment. The crew is not pleased to find out about the bogus servers and the tip to the pirates.
Judge, Jury and Executioner[]
You Have Been Judged[]
Nathan introduces Rivka Anoa to Terry Henry Walton and Charumati as their lawyer for acquiring an All Guns Blazing franchise.
Destroy The Corrupt[]
Nathan requests a Magistrate to look into the Mandolin Partnership. Grainger assigns Rivka.
Crime Spree[]
Wenceslaus takes the opportunity on Onyx Station to get off and ends up with Nathan Lowell.
Lone Wolf Squadron[]
Interstellar Justice[]
Nathan continues his role as liaison between the Federation and the "off the books" groups. The Squadron acquired a Pod-doc in Star Corp, but it was damaged and only performed limited upgrades. He arranges for Ted to come to the station and upgrade it. The Pod-doc will be upgraded but will not be able to perform the military upgrades.
- ↑ Anderle, Michael. Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One: Books 1-7, Death Becomes Her, Queen Bitch, Love Lost, Bite This, Never Forsaken, Under My Heel, Kneel or Die (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets) (p. 289). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
- ↑ Anderle, Michael. Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set Three: Books 15-21, Never Submit, Never Surrender, Forever Defend, Might Makes Right, Ahead Full, Capture Death, Life Goes On (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets Book 3) (p. 103). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
- ↑ Grey, Natalie; Anderle, Michael. The Vigilante Chronicles Omnibus: Vigilante, Sentinel, Warden, Paladin, Justiciar, Defender, Protector (p. 91). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
- ↑ Anderle, Michael. Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One: Books 1-7, Death Becomes Her, Queen Bitch, Love Lost, Bite This, Never Forsaken, Under My Heel, Kneel or Die (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets) (p. 105). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
- ↑ Anderle, Michael. Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One: Books 1-7, Death Becomes Her, Queen Bitch, Love Lost, Bite This, Never Forsaken, Under My Heel, Kneel or Die (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets) (pp. 152-153). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
- ↑ Anderle, Michael. Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One: Books 1-7, Death Becomes Her, Queen Bitch, Love Lost, Bite This, Never Forsaken, Under My Heel, Kneel or Die (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets) (pp. 1580-1581). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
- ↑ Anderle, Michael. Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One: Books 1-7, Death Becomes Her, Queen Bitch, Love Lost, Bite This, Never Forsaken, Under My Heel, Kneel or Die (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets) (p. 101). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
- ↑ Anderle, Michael. Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One: Books 1-7, Death Becomes Her, Queen Bitch, Love Lost, Bite This, Never Forsaken, Under My Heel, Kneel or Die (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets) (p. 102). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
- ↑ Anderle, Michael. Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One: Books 1-7, Death Becomes Her, Queen Bitch, Love Lost, Bite This, Never Forsaken, Under My Heel, Kneel or Die (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets) (p. 163). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.