Kurtherian Gambit Wiki

Basic Info[]

  • Kurtherian named Seven (not TOM/Thales of Miletus} created WereCats (Tigers, Leopards)
  • Chinese secret society,
  • Motto/salutation is "The Sacred Clan shall rise" with a response of "The Clan Rises"
  • Some of the clan can take Pricolici form on 2 legs and 8-10 feet tall.
  • WereTigers are 200-400 kilos in weight.


The Clan had been selecting couples for centuries, cultivating the strongest traits and breeding out the less desirable ones. The Clan was scattered into many enclaves hidden in monasteries all over China. There were entire villages and towns where only Clan members lived. They had adapted to changing times and were hidden in plain sight. Farmers, tradesmen, doctors, bankers; the Clan had members in every field. By sending their children to universities, getting jobs, and even enrolling in the military, they had infiltrated all aspects of life in China. [1]

Release the Dogs of War[]

Stephanie Lee's father has been hosting two Kurtherians for quite a time. They have awaited her return to the clan from the outside as she is genetically perfect. They can transfer to her body in the Transfer Pod. This pod seems very different from the Pod-Doc in that it's function is to transfer consciousness and the person is aware and in pain. To the Kurtherian's surprise, instead of dominating her, her personality dominated them. They can inflict and reduce such things as pain, but she is in control.

Sued For Peace[]

Stephanie Lee sends an envoy, Ting, to the Clan leadership to let them know she is ready to take over leadership of the clan. It takes the death of 2 of their members but they get the message.

We Have Contact[]

Stephanie Lee intends to leverage General Sun's contacts to push the existing Chinese leadership aside so the clan can control China. Unfortunately for her even though Sun is disgraced for his failure to conquer TQB he is still loyal to China. Sun has the ability to calm his thoughts so neither Stephanie nor her family can truly detect his subterfuge, but they also don't trust him so they send Ting to shadow him. When he meets with his contacts Ting realizes he has betrayed the empress and she kills him narrowly escaping the trap that was laid for her.

Stephanie calls together over 120 members of the clan who make up her guard to the Clan Temple Near Shennongjia Peak, Hubei. Su Ting is executed for her failure in front of the assembly as an example to others as Stephanie puts forward the call for all the clan members to gather in preparation to take on the Chinese leadership. Once the 4 kings of the clan are assembled she takes them to the Sacred Room which is normally reserved for the priesthood.

China prepares to attack the Sacred Clans and the Leopard Empress. Bethany Anne’s people discover the plans and alert Bethany Anne to the location of Stephanie Lee and that the Chinese military is enroute to attack her.  Since Bethany Anne wants retribution, her and her Bitches scream out in Black Eagles to try and beat the Chinese to her.

Stephanie, expecting the Chinese Military attack, breaks up the Kurtherian technology into separate packages for the Kings of the Sacred Clans to remove to separate locations. No one of them would have all of the parts and only someone knowledgeable in the Kurtherian language could put together or use the technology. The Clan has 4 of the twelve boxes containing their Kurtherian ship out the temple when Bethany Anne attacks at the same time the Chinese military attacks.

When Bethany Anne and team arrive at the main temple, Stephanie’s father in his tiger Pricolici form meets them and Bethany Anne takes on the challenge as a “warm up”.  With just a few swipes, he died and she turned her attention to Stephanie. Under the urging of her Kurtherian symbionts she bats Bethany Anne to get rid of her swords then changes her hands to claws to attack her.  But without any physical training, she quickly looses her heart and her head to Bethany Anne and her two Kurtherian hitchhikers die with her.[2].


The pockets of Sacred Clan survivors were much better equipped to deal with the realities of post-apocalyptic China. Weres were not susceptible to disease and could farm or hunt with equal ease, which ensured they were the dominant species in the areas where they lived. [3]

Peng Kun, formerly a general in the PLA, is known as the Grand Master of the Ning Jing/Serenity Temple in the Dabie Mountains of China to humans. He is actually the Grand Master of the clan, controlling the activities of the clan from the temple. The Weres at the temple dress and appear as Buddist monks to the human world.

In Akio Revelations Kun has desires to control all of Asia. His rash actions against Akio and Akio's allies results in the destruction of the temple and the loss of a significant number of the Clan members including himself. The torture death of Akio's lover Kengii sets Akio on a path to destroy Clan members wherever he can find them. Over the next year, personal execution played out anywhere the Sacred Clan gathered in numbers less than fifty. The towns and enclaves that were larger suffered a much more frightening fate. All that remained of those were deep craters left where pucks had fallen unexpectedly from the sky in the night. There were never any survivors who were enhanced. [4]

The turning point is when Yan Lee Shek a direct descendant of Empress [5] and her son Qin directly communicate with Akio to save their human friends from execution by the Sacred Clan. Akio realizes there are honorable WereTigers. In addition to saving them he brings them to Toyko to protect them from the remaining Sacred Clan members. To integrate with their new homeland Qin and his wife Tian start a Cirque du Soleil style performing group. While the Japanese are aware of the UnknownWorld they continue to conceal their Were nature because of the attacks by the Sacred Clan on Japan in previous years.

At least 50 years after Kun's disastrous assault on Akiro, Master Dawa Palsang, is the undisputed leader of the 70+ remaining Sacred Clan tigers. He was the last surviving Clan member who had directly served in the Leopard Empress’ temple before the Bethany Anne killed her. He was also the only person who knew that the Clan had once possessed a working spacecraft provided to them by the gods who created them. To remain further off Akio's radar they call themselves the Qin Clan rather than the Sacred Clan. [6] Both the FDG and Akio become aware of the Clan's last refuge at the same time. Akio prioritizes a Forsaken in Europe and the FDG wipes out the Tibetan temple leaving just Palsang and his mate alive. [7]


  1. Tillman, Charles; Anderle, Michael. Akio Revelations Complete Series Omnibus (p. 355). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
  2. Anderle, Michael. WE HAVE CONTACT (The Kurtherian Gambit Book 12). Chapter 20. LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
  3. Tillman, Charles; Anderle, Michael. Akio Revelations Complete Series Omnibus (p. 357). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
  4. Tillman, Charles; Anderle, Michael. Akio Revelations Complete Series Omnibus (p. 943). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
  5. Tillman, Charles; Anderle, Michael. Akio Revelations Complete Series Omnibus (p. 1261). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
  6. Tillman, Charles; Anderle, Michael. Akio Revelations Complete Series Omnibus (p. 1832). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
  7. Martelle, Craig; Anderle, Michael. Terry Henry Walton Chronicles Complete Series Omnibus: Nomad Found, Nomad Redeemed, Nomad Unleashed, Nomad Supreme, Nomad's Fury, Nomad's Justice, Nomad Avenged, Nomad Mortis, plus 3 more books (p. 2697). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.

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