A teenage boy with a terminal condition, a group of school bullies, and an incognito Empress with a short temper…
Kirian Larsen knows he won’t live to see adulthood. Dex and his gang only care that he’s a human living on “their” planet.
Their determination to make his life harder bothers Kirian less than their efforts to do the same for their other victims. What can he do, bound to his wheelchair and dealing with unimaginable, unending pain?
Fight back and damn the consequences.
Kirian’s refusal to submit to the hand life has dealt him gets the attention of his new physical therapist, a human doctor with a hidden past who has recently moved to High Tortuga.
Dr. Ericson isn’t the only human arrival to the planet previously known as Devon.
Rumors of the Empress’ Witch taking over the planet are proven by the vacancies opening up in the planet’s government and criminal enterprises. Baba Yaga’s bloody Justice is unavoidable for the corrupt.
A reckoning is coming for the bullies—both in the schoolyard and the planet’s places of power.
Can Kirian put an end to Dex’s reign without crossing a line he can’t come back from? Will Baba Yaga find a way to ensure the vision she has for the planet doesn’t crumble the moment she returns to the Empire?
- Kirian
- Bethany Anne in her Baba Yaga persona
- TOM/Thales of Miletus
- Stephen
- Lerr'ek (Zhyn)
- Jennifer Ericson
- Nock (Krenlock) - Lerr'ek's assistant
- P'rrol - Lerr'ek's assistant
- Shinigami
- Nerril, - Kirian's friend
- Meddox - Kirian's friend
- Lutian - Kirian's friend
- Fern - Kirian's friend
- Tianel - Kirian's friend
- Xander (Torcellan) - Kirian's friend
- Tor (Noel-ni) - Kirian's classmate, techie
- Dex (Noel-ni), Kirian's nemesis
- Gralen (Shrillexian) - Dex's follower
- Charr'est (Zhyn) - Dex's follower
- Madame Richelieu (Noel-ni) - Orphanage manager
- Prensyn Traiem - Politician
- Kar Togel - Kirian's disability coordinator
- Ang'helis - Jennifer's receptionist at the clinic
- Devon has been renamed High Tortuga.
- Bethany Anne is in her Baba Yaga persona.
- Michael is still missing.