- Newly born EI for ICS Fortitude at start of series, no identification of parent
- After discussion with crew takes the appearance of Jack Marber's mother
- As an EI is arbitrary in following safety rules including all crew with seat belts closed before moving
Shadow Vanguard[]
Gravity Storm[]
Lunar Crisis[]
Immortality Curse[]
Ultimate Payback[]
Adina Choudhury acquires the necessary hardware to help Solo accelerate her assencion to AI. Adina does this in the middle of the mission which not takes Solo offline at a critical point but also allows a member of Dark Tomorrow to plant a kill switch in her, allowing Dark Tomorrow to blackmail Adina. Ultimately Adina has to recover Solo from a backup and reinstall her as an EI. However, Adina still has the resources to bring Solo back to AI status.
Alien Genocide[]
Family Reunion[]