Kurtherian Gambit Wiki


Basic Info[]

  • Main Series - main character
  • Sub-series - primary protagonist
  • First mentioned as an un-named hacker in Queen Bitch.
  • The background check showed a few run-ins with the law before she was eighteen. She has a bit of a chip on her shoulder.[1]
  • Positioned as Michael's information specialist by Bethany Anne as a form of one-upmanship.
  • Provided stage 3 enhancement when it's established that a cancer is going to retard and subsequently kill her.
  • Provided with "superior sweater puppies than BA herself."
  • Initially in charge of South America before leaving Earth.
  • Given the role of Ranger 2.
  • Married to Peter Silvers.
  • Mother to Todd Silvers.
  • Adoptive Aunt to Meredith Nicole "Nickie" Grimes.
  • Partnered with Dio
  • Her parents were divorced. She had lived with her mother and had been in and out of the home for most of her teenage life.[2]
  • Gabrielle observes Tabita's piercings, tattoos and other appearance factors were designed to drive people off.[3]
  • Tends to refer to her breasts as her ta-tas.
  • She has a heart shaped birthmark on her butt[4]


The Kurtherian Gambit[]

Queen Bitch[]

Tabitha started out as a hacker that Bethany Anne nearly killed when they first met. Tabitha had been sent to steal bank data during a robbery in Miami along with two other hackers. Bethany Anne killed one of the other two hackers before realizing the hackers were there against their will.

Nathan Lowell gave the remaining hackers new identities and jobs in Dallas. Tabitha kept asking to meet Bethany Anne.

Under My Heel[]

Bethany Anne assigns Tabitha to help Michael in South America as a way to punish him, as she knew that he would prefer to work with a male hacker. Tabitha has her own way of punishing Michael for reading her mind where she gives him porno of her and him. When Michael needed a new IT person, Bethany Anne requested Tabitha for the job as a way to teach Michael a lesson.

When she was in Anton’s group, she had learned enough to start searching for the truth about vampires, and with what she had found, she also learned there were Weres. Not merely stories, but in reality so she was not surprised by the world Michael and Bethany Anne had brought her into.[5]

Tabitha and Michael meet Giannini and censor her for leaving her research notes in an insecure location on the web.  Tabitha gives her a location to store her notes that is much safer and Giannini keeps asking to interview Bethany Anne. Giannini seems unaware of who Michael is. After Giannini leaves, Michael explains the danger the reporter is in my collecting that information. Bethany's enemies are more than willing to torture and kill for information.

Tabitha confesses to Michael that she ended up working for Anton due to a series of bad decisions on her own part. It was highly probable she and Ben would have been killed after the operation that BA broke up had been completed. Michael realizes Tabitha feels an obligation to BA. He offers Tabitha an option to leave. She will get enough money to live a year and find herself. a new place in the world. He wants her to be his assistant because she believes in the cause and has the same passion as the rest of BA's team.

Release the Dogs of War[]

Still grieving for Michael she is trying to hold down the fort in South America with just the help of two of the “Queen’s Elites”.  Fed up with the remaining Forsaken sending henchmen after her during the day, not knowing that the Vampires that are helping her can be in the sun without problems, she tells Bethany Anne that she wants to do more than just hack computers.  Bethany Anne tells her she will have to train physically to be able to defend herself and not rely on her guards to protect her as well as take on the Forsaken.  She agrees and is willing to be upgraded.  But while she is in the medical pod on TOM’s ship, they discover that she has cancer plus some other physical problems that will cause an early death even without the cancer.  Bethany Anne makes the decision to upgrade her all of the way and to have her genic problems fixed.

When Tabitha is removed from the Pod Bethany Anne tells her about her medical conditions and that she made the decision for Tabitha to be turned.  She also informed Tabitha that she was now a Queen’s Ranger, 2nd to Barnabas and reporting to him.

My Ride Is A Bitch[]

Tabitha's pet project is try to get a rise out of Barnabas commenting on his age and time as a monk. She does succeed at times, but also gets her Ranger assignments from him. She is sent to find out who paid the mercenaries who coerced Mason by threatening to kill his daughter. This may be the first time the parameters are open to her in making judgement on those she finds.

The Tontos encourage her to burn down Anton's house in Argentina. The house was her introduction to Bethany's world where she worked for Michael. The home has that attachment but the Tontos worry that even if they have not found a secret lab with Anton's super vampire serum it may still be there. She finally agrees to burn the house and she and team move to the QBS ArchAngel.

Katsu, one of the Queen’s Elite, joins Tabitha’s team to learn to hack computers to assist her.  Team BMW created small communications devises for her and her team, using the Etheric. She also acquires the EI Achronyx a specially programmed subset of ArchAngel, for the time being he is installed with ArchAngel until Tabitha gets her own ship that is being especially designed for her and her team, Achronyx will run the ship for her. 

The Tontos

Never Submit[]

Theodore Cleusah aka Ted contacts Tabitha from NYC asking her to help him on a case he is working on that he cannot trust to the local department. When she arrives Ted admits it is a trap, "they" took his girl friend and forced him to contact Tabitha. Mercenary Franklyn W. Sahvt leads 4 other mercenaries to capture Tabitha. After she takes out the initial set of mercenaries she realizes the trap is far more expansive and calls for support. BA brings John along and they work with Tabitha to attack the warehouse where Vic Kingston is managing the opposition with over 50 mercenaries and black ops specialists. Within seconds of the assault on his position he realizes he is outgunned and with ADAM shutting down access to the President and air support surrenders. He reveals to BA the goal was to use Tabitha to pull in TQB, forcing the president to escalate with more forces including air cover.

While the president wasn't involved in the planning, his attempt to react is blocked by ADAM and reinforced by a video call from Lance Reynolds letting the President know BA was coming to visit and any successful attempt to counterattack would be meant with extreme prejudice. BA does visit him in the DUCC and impresses on the president the next action against her people either directly or in coordination with other countries will result in massive destruction. She predicts the actions already taken by the US and China will result in what is known about WWDE. The president immediately cancels all actions and collaborations.

Ted and his friend are rescued and Tabitha leaves them gold coins so they can start over. On the way back to the G’laxix Sphaea she and John have a discussion about her love life, or lack thereof. She is very pessimistic about her future in that respect not realizing John and BA have secret bet. John believes Tabitha will at least get serious with 6 months, BA believes 5 years. John feels his fatherly instincts kick in as well as his desire to win the bet and starts thinking about potentials.

Never Surrender[]

Tabitha receives her own, specially built space ship, QBS Achronyx and sent off to clean up the Slave Trade in Yollin space with four of her Tontos: Hirotoshi, Ryu, Katsu and Shin[8]

While cleaning up the Slave Trade in the Ebolas System, Shin dies in an ambush,[9] which devastates Tabitha and results in a full on war with her and the Tontos vs all Skaine Overview._

Challenges, Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknown World, Payback[]

Bitch's Night Out[]

Tabitha is living in Anton/Michael's home in Argentina. The Forsaken keep sending sets of humans who are taken out by Ryu and Hirotoshi, the Elite left with her. She decides she wants to move forward with combat skills so goes to meet BA on the Polarus and pledge her commitment. As a result of changing in front of the vampires she learns that not all of them are gay like Akio, much to her embarrassment.


Challenges the book has 2 short stories, Payback and Seed Vault. They take place before Tabitha is enhanced but after Michael was presumed killed in the nuclear blast.


Tabitha and Gabrielle visits Tabitha's past in the Buenos Aries, Argentina. Tabitha wants to see if the people she left behind when she joined Michael. While Anton is dead, a number of the people who worked for him are still active and suspect Tabitha has information about Anton's organization they could use. One of the leaders, Emmi, blackmails one of her old friends. Joaquin, who still lives in the Barracas, low-income area of the city. Thiago's gang lead by Orlan surrounds them and Tabitha chooses to go with them rather than having Gabrielle kill them there, in the public. It turns out Santino, a leader in the local crime family is behind the kidnapping for Thiago. Thiago wants Tabitha to hack into the Central Bank.

Tabitha refuses and as Gabrielle takes out the guards Tabitha kills Thiago with a punch to the throat. Emmi is killed by one of the guards as she attempts to flee. Tabitha admits this is the first time she has killed someone. They learn a sniper team has been sent as a threat to her family. When they arrive at her home Tabitha decides she really doesn't need to see her family and lets Gabrielle quietly take out the five assassins.

Before Tabitha can step away her mother sees her. Tabitha reunites with her parents and her younger sister Selise. She gives them a way to contact her but lets them no she cannot come back, her future is elsewhere.

The Vigilante Chronicles[]


While Barnabas is away from High Tortuga a group of mercenaries attack a mining community using Elisha Carter, a friend of Tabitha's a human shield. Akio, Ryu and Hirotoshi join Tabitha to stop the mercenaries and save the miners.

The Kurtherian Endgame[]

Deuces Wild[]

Beyond the Frontiers[]


Tabitha and Ryu are on planet Flex to hunt down what a criminal mastermind named Etoy Walce. Tabitha has another multi-story fall to the amusement of Ryu, who also has found he can push her buttons by imitating Hirotoshi. To make things worse Tabitha ignores Achronyx and fights her way into a private lounge causing significant damage. The damage has to be paid and the expanse gets her a conversation with BA and John Grimes.

Tabitha is incensed the bounty placed on her is only 15,000 credits. As Ranger Two she expects far more than that. Ryu is concerned a bigger reward means more competent assassins. Even at that low level someone capable of spoofing her puts a lockdown on the Achronyx while firing missiles at them. They get into the air and neutralize the missiles. Tabitha ups the ante and puts a 120,000 credit bounty on herself.

As Tabitha and Ryu hunt for Kenet and Etoy Walce they are attacked by assassins and the police, both groups trying to cash in on the bounty which has now gone to 180,000 credits. Through violence and subterfuge they do finally capture Walce taking him and the captain of his ship to trial.


BA sends Tabatha to the K'nthel system to investigate The Order of Zaphod at their spiritual retreat and sanctuary. Their scheduled report and not come in and BA wants to know why. Before letting Tabitha head out BA counsels her to not let Shin's loss make her take unreasonable risks.

The Order limits the amount of tech allowed meaning Achronyx will need to be dormant when they land. It also means her hacker skills will have limited value. Once on the planet she finds the Order is not just anti-tech, but xenophobic about digital beings.

The Order requested help because their above planet station has gone silent. The station is the Order's primary source of income to support beings in need who come to them. Tabatha finds the station is a pleasure palace with all kinds of tech and entertainment. The adult entertainment workers are on strike resulting in the revenue drop. The strike is because workers have gone missing and the suspicion is they are being sold into slavery.

While Tabitha keeps the manager busy, the Tontos check behind the scenes and find there is significant corruption and that perhaps the tech ban is to keep it from being discovered. Ultimately they find the Brother Cuthbert is at the center of the abduction and corruption and he is killed by Brother Scroat when Cuthbert is shooting at Tabitha with a missile launcher. With Cutbert, the main proponent of the tech ban dead and his reason revealed, the ban is lifted.


Tabitha continues to send diary/memories to Nickie, the main theme of the early memories being the challenge Nickie's mother Lillian had as a single mother raising Nickie. The stories expand to the challenge all the women had, some without partners and even those with partners who spent extended times away from home in the war.

Barnabas give Tabitha an assignment as Ranger Two to take the Tontos to Terminus and shut down a criminal operation. The criminals have drugged the colonists' children with a drug that requires an antidote only the gang has. They use this to blackmail the colonists into being essentially slave labor. With Achronyx's help she identifies the drug and produces an antidote, allowing the colonists to break free and take their children to the Meredith Reynolds for extended therapy to cure the effects of the long-term drugging.

Tabitha's next assignment is to stop a gunrunning operation. The guns turn out to be needed to fight a drug lord. Tabitha and Hirotoshi take out the gang eliminating the need for the guns and take the gunrunner in for justice.

This diary entry ends with the decisions made when the Empire ended and the Federation began. Peter would definitely be going with BA into exile and Tabitha would too. Lillian had too much tied up in her business to just leave and thought it would also be disruptive to Nickie. Nickie's primary cause for rebellion, because no one looked at her needs, are turned around for her to look at their needs.


Tabitha and Peter have had a son.

Tabitha reminds Nickie of the trip they took when Nickie was 14. The mission was to break up a fight club that was taking street kids and putting them in death matches. They stop the fighting with Nickie showing courage and fighting skills, but she is injured enough she requires time in the Pod-Doc to fully heal.

Tabitha is sent to mediate with feuding factions on Devon to prevent another civil war.

Etheric Adventures[]

Etheric Recruit[]

Bethany Anne is called in to help when Jinx decides Anne Jaydon is her person and gets kicked by Anne's mother, Sheila, who does not like dogs. Ashur and Bellatrix are about to attack Sheila when Meredith notifies BA to intervene. By a quick read of Sheila's mind BA realizes Sheila has trauma from being unwillingly pulled from Earth because of her husband and she really doesn't like dogs. BA gives Anne the option of becoming emancipated. Faced with staying home and losing Jinx, Anne chooses to leave. Since Anne is only 16 BA asks Tabitha to be Anne's big sister and help Anne learn how to live independently

Lone Wolf Squadron[]

Marshal the Stars[]

Tabitha is sent to introduce Beau Ward to Katy, a Skaine who can procure anything the Lone Wolf Squadron might need even if it is not available through normal channels. Tabitha impresses on Beau that Katy needs to get away quickly and that his team needs to treat her with respect or Tabitha will visit them.

Attack Wing[]

Beau Ward calls Tabitha for help retrieving Katy from the Skaine Codex Syndicate. Tabitha is unavailable but sends Nickie to halp with the effort.


  1. Anderle, Michael. Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One: Books 1-7, Death Becomes Her, Queen Bitch, Love Lost, Bite This, Never Forsaken, Under My Heel, Kneel or Die (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets Book 1) (p. 1277). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
  2. Anderle, Michael. Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One: Books 1-7, Death Becomes Her, Queen Bitch, Love Lost, Bite This, Never Forsaken, Under My Heel, Kneel or Die (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets) (p. 1295). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
  3. Grey, Natalie; Anderle, Michael. Challenges (Frank Kurns Stories of the UnknownWorld Book 4) (p. 8). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
  4. Clarke, Ell Leigh; Anderle, Michael. Deuces Wild Complete Series Boxed Set: (Books 1-5 - Beyond the Frontiers, Rampage, Labyrinth, Birthright, Resolution) (p. 756). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
  5. Anderle, Michael. Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Set One: Books 1-7, Death Becomes Her, Queen Bitch, Love Lost, Bite This, Never Forsaken, Under My Heel, Kneel or Die (Kurtherian Gambit Boxed Sets) (p. 1296). LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
  6. Anderle, Michael. My Ride is a Bitch (The Kurtherian Gambit Book 13, Chapter 16.  LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
  7. Don’t Cross This Line, Book 14, chapter 11
  8. Anderle, Michael. Never Surrender (The Kurtherian Gambit Book 16), Chapter 11. LMBPN Publishing. Kindle Edition.
  9. Never Surrender, Chapter 20.
